04 July, 2006

What do a broken toe and a broken heart have in common?

So, the toe episode continues. Today was The Day, our big event, we presented the results of two years of work in the schools to the public. Teachers, students, administrators, press, politicians, were in attendance. The event went well with only the minimal of glitches.

I tried to pack my broken toe into a loose shoe this morning, but only lasted an hour and I had to change into sandals. The toe, a bit blue, a bit swollen, early this morning, blossomed into a dark purple/black plum by the time the day was over. Guess standing on my feet all day in this hot weather made the toe go into a sissy attack.

So, all I had to do was limp a little, which wasn’t hard to do because I can’t do otherwise, and occasionally take a peek down at the toe and, naturally, the person who I was talking to also would glance down, and voilá instant horror, sympathy, and adulation about what a brave soul I am to attend the event in such obvious pain.

What the people don’t know is that having spent my childhood and teens on point shoes and having broken my toes so many times while dancing, I just don’t feel so much in my toes any more. But, I wasn’t about to tell them.

Guess it is sort of like if you have had your heart broken a hundred times, somewhere along the line you lean to pick yourself up quickly, brush off the dust, and walk around with your head held high.

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