18 January, 2009

The Bush Verdict

I have been watching out for this type of assessment of the Bush years in office. The video is titled, "The Bush verdict, from 9/11 to the credit crunch, leading commentators give their assessments of George W Bush's presidency". The video is a precise, spartan, and yet, irrevocable statement of eight years poorly lived.

Actually, I expected this to come from an American news' source, and not the Guardian. Still, take a look of the video by Rebecca Lovell, a video producer and Hildegunn Soldal, an executive producer at the Guardian in Britain. I know many people wish to forget as quickly as possible the plunders and the fumblings, yet the question is why shouldn't people such as President Bush be held accountable?


  1. Thank you, Lia, for posting this --it really is an excellent commentary on Bush's presidency.

    How sad that we elected such a man!!! I am proud to say that I never voted for him.

    I do wish I could wish him well as he goes home to Texas but I can't. I have to remind myself that the God I believe in will forgive him his sins but I, and many others, won't for a very long time.

  2. Darn! I don't see the video. I saw the teaser over at Embodied Aging and thought "that sounds like a good post!" Sometimes videos are removed at the source (i.e., You Tube) and it drives me crazy.
